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Upcoming Movie Dredd (2012): Trailer, Release Date and Story

New Delhi, Sat, 23 Jun 2012 NI Wire

Directed by: Pete Travis

Produced by: Alex Garland, Andrew MacDonald, Allon Reich

Written by: Alex Garland

Based on: Judge Dredd by John Wagner, Carlos Ezquerra

Cast: Karl Urban (Judge Dredd), Olivia Thirlby (Judge Anderson), Lena Headey (Madeline Madrigal - Ma-Ma)

Release date of Dredd: 21 September 2012

"The big question is, Can Karl Urban revive the character of Judge Dredd of 2012 which was once unsuccessfully played by Sylvester Stallon? And can Karl come out of image that Sylvester built for Judge Dredd.."?

Trailer of Dredd 2012 is out and it is creating much buzz on Internet. Alex Garland-scripted movie sees Karl Urban as the titular lawman with Lena Headey in a negative role.

Pete Travis (of Vintage Point fame) is the director of this film.

Dredd (2012) is an adaptation of a comic book of 2000 AD character Judge Dredd.

Story of Dredd:

Story of Dread starts in Mega City - One, where survivors Atomic Wars lives and are protected from radioactive desert environment. There are many such mega-cities existing on Earth but the concerned story takes place here in Mega-City One.

Police have become the judges and have the power of judge, jury and executioner to fight criminals.

Ma-Ma played by Lena Headey has a supreme control in the city and is responsible for selling a reality-altering drug called Slo-Mo. This will create chaos among people making her the ruler of the city. But between her dreams stands a team of cop lead by a senior law enforcement officer Judge Dredd played by Karl Urban who teams up with Judge Anderson played by Olivia Thirlby to track down this terrorist organization and end them.

Dredd is made on a budget of $45 million.

Film will be released in 3D as well.

Karl Urban is known for his acting Lord of the Rings, The Bourne Supremacy and Priest.

Lena Headley is known for her role in 300 and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

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