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Japan and China in clash over world's oldest person title

London, Sat, 29 Dec 2012 ANI

London, December 29 (ANI): China and Japan - the two Asian giants which are constantly struggling over territory, politics and economic dominance -seem to have found another topic to fight about - who's the world's oldest living person

Earlier this month a Japanese man was officially declared the world's oldest living person at 115, but China is fielding an alternative candidate for the title after an official news agency repeated claims that a Chinese woman is 127 years old, which would make her the record-holder by a large margin.

Jiroemon Kimura, a former postman who was born on April 19, 1897, was named the world's oldest person by Guinness World Records after the death of American Dina Manfredini, the Daily Mail reported.

He lives in Kyotango and has 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren.

Kimura is the second oldest man ever whose age has been officially verified.

However, just a few days ago it was reported on Luo Meizhen, a woman who claims to have turned 127 in September.

Luo lives in Guangxi region's Bama county, an area famous for the longevity of its residents.

Her ID card claims she was born in 1885, but she does not have a birth certificate to prove this.

She lives with her son, who she says she gave birth to when she was aged 61.

If Luo is truly 127, it would make her the oldest person ever to have lived, beating Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who died in 1997 aged 122. (ANI)

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