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Red wine `secret weapon against killer diseases`

London, Wed, 05 Dec 2012 ANI

London, December 5 (ANI): A daily wonder pill that can harness the power of red wine could be the key to beating a range of life-threatening conditions from heart disease and diabetes to cancer, researchers say.

A potent supplement has moved a step closer after a string of scientific studies hailed the "miracle ingredient" in red wine.

According to scientists, the compound resveratrol could be the "cure all" to protect against chronic, and often fatal, illnesses which blight the health of the nation and place a huge burden on the NHS.

British experts are set to present new evidence on how the compound, which is found in red wine, can be harnessed as a potent illness-buster.

An international conference will see its scientists reveal evidence of how the powerful chemical found in the skins of red grapes can halve the rate of bowel tumours.

Using laboratory models, researchers found that a daily amount of resveratrol, equivalent to two glasses of wine, can halve the rate of bowel tumours.

"Having shown in our lab experiments that it can reduce tumour development we are now concentrating on identifying the mechanisms of how resveratrol works in human cells," the Daily Express quoted Professor Karen Brown from Leicester University said.

The researchers hope to take their findings from the lab to the next stage by carrying out clinical trials to find the optimum level of resveratrol in humans.

"A lot of people take resveratrol as a supplement, but at the moment we don't know how it works or on whom it can work until we have more information. We don't even know the best dose you should take," Brown added.

Resveratrol is a compound found in the seeds and skins of grapes. It is an antioxidant which helps protect the body against harmful changes leading to disease. (ANI)


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