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Now, airport dating website for travelers

Atlanta, Wed, 05 Dec 2012 ANI

Atlanta, Nov 28 (ANI): A web entrepreneur has created a dating website that enables travellers to connect at the departure gate, it has been revealed.

Steve Pasternack claims that since launching in May 2011, has attracted roughly 20,000 members worldwide, CNN reported.

When a delayed flight left Steve Pasternack stranded at Miami Airport in early 2011, he settled into his departure lounge seat and cast a curious eye across his fellow passengers.

"I noticed a lot of people at the bar looking for something to do, and I thought it'd be great if I could get them to meet each other," he said.

The concept works by prompting users to enter their personal interests, flight details and departure airport before matching them up with individuals with similar interests and travel arrangements.

So far people in the United States, Mexico and Germany have shown the most interest, although Pasternack says members have joined from all over the world.

"What better time to meet somebody new than when you're sitting in an airport?" he said.

"This person could be a travel companion [or] they could be from the place you're going. It could turn into a friendship, a romance. It could work out for business, many things," he added. (ANI)

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