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Daydreaming can lead to be like Einstein, Newton: Researchers

London, Sun, 25 Nov 2012 NI Wire

If you think that daydreaming is nothing but that the wastage of time and it indicates indiscipline life, then certainly you should rethink about your perception. Researchers have shown that daydreaming is the key to problem solving attitude and it encourage the same.

Scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara have revealed the fact that some of the most significant discoveries and breakthroughs ever made by Einstein, Newton and many others in scientific and creative fields occurred as their minds wandered, scientists found.

In this regard, a report in the journal Psychological Science provides an account of research that shows that ordinary people were better at solving problems when they allowed their minds to wander.

Einstein began his theory of relativity while he daydreamed about riding or running beside a sunbeam to the edge of the universe, after he was expelled from school for rebelling against rote learning.

Newton developed his theory of gravity after he happened to see an apple fall from a tree in his mother's garden in Lincolnshire, according to the sources.

Benjamin Baird, of the University of California, Santa Barbara, who led the study said, "Many influential scientific thinkers claim to have had their moments of inspiration while engaged in thoughts or activities not directly aimed at solving the problem they were trying to solve."

"The findings arguably provide the most direct evidence to date that conditions that favour mind wandering also enhance creativity," he said.

The study involved 145 people aged between 19 and 32 who were given two minutes to list as many unusual uses as possible for everyday objects.

(With inputs from IANS)

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