Mumbai, Nov 22 (IANS) A new TV show titled "2612" is aimed at awakening the people of Mumbai, which was hit by a terror attack in 2008. Actress Tejaswi says it will be an eye?opening show for viewers.
The show was officially launched Thursday, and the show's poster and teaser are quite intruiguing.
Tejasvi, who plays the character of Rashmi in the serial, says: "These posters have already raised curiosity about what is '2612'. I am sure you will watch the show and this show is to wake up Mumbai after 26/11. So, people should definitely watch it."
Without divulging too much about the show, Tejasvi said the mystery behind "2612" will clear up as the show progresses.
"Rashmi (the character) represents the common man. The 26/11 incident was a bad time for Mumbai. Now what is '2612' ? a number, a name or a date, the common man does not know what it is. But when you watch the story, you will see how '2612' will become my life, what it is and how I fight for it," she added.
"2612" goes on air Nov 26 on Life OK.