Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh Friday said Vijay Mallya-owned private carrier Kingfisher airlines would have to meet the all the parameters set up by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to carry on its operations.
Ajit's comment came on the news that conversation between Kingfisher's management and its employees failed to reach on an agreement despite making several efforts and situation is going to be worsen as Kingfisher Airlines has extended its partial lockout till October 12.
The employees have threatened to go for another indefinite strike as their salaries have not been given for the last seven months.
Ajit Singh is also unhappy with Kingfisher over security concerns of the passengers.
"There has been problem with the Kingfisher Airlines for the past so many days. There have been strikes as well quite a few times now. Their employees were up till now hopeful. But the safety issue has arisen this time because of the strike, as the maintenance problem in the planes arose because of the engineers strike," said Singh.
He added that a decision on the crisis plagued carrier's fate would be taken after an aviation watchdog report on safety and security issues.
Kingfisher, once India's second-largest airline, is more than half a year behind on salary payments and has grounded its fleet since Monday after a protest by engineers over the weekend turned violent. Talks with employees in Mumbai on Wednesday ended in a stalemate.
An official with the DGCA said on Tuesday that Kingfisher would not get government approval to resume flying unless it pays salaries and submits an acceptable recovery plan.
Singh while talking to the reporters on Thursday said the pilots have to certify their airworthiness.
The Civil Aviation Minister also expressed grief over the death of Susmita, the wife of Manas Chakarvarti, a technician with the airline.
"It is a very sad and unfortunate event. This may be one of the factors because she has written that she was worried whether the job will be there or not," he said.
In an apparent fallout of the worsening crisis in Kingfisher Airlines, the wife of one of its Delhi- based employees allegedly committing suicide, blaming financial stress due to non-payment of salary to her husband for five months.
Susmita Chakarvarti , the wife of Manas Chakarvarti who is a ground staff in Kingfisher Airlines, was found hanging from the ceiling in her DDA flat in south-west Delhi's Manglapuri at around 1:30 PM.
Sushmita, 45, was rushed to a nearby hospital where she was declared brought dead.
A suicide note purportedly written by her was recovered from the spot in which she spoke of being under financial stress due to non-payment of salary to her husband.
--With Agencies Inputs--