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Police raid bar in Mumbai, detain 18 people

Mumbai , Sun, 28 Oct 2012 ANI

Mumbai, Oct. 28 (ANI): The Social Service Branch of the Mumbai Police raided a bar in the city and detained 13 customers, four stewards and one manager.

The raid was carried out late on Saturday. Nine girls were rescued, who were allegedly involved in immoral trafficking.

Mumbai is a popular source, transit and destination station for traffic in women and girls.

According to Assistant Commissioner of Police of Mumbai's Social Service branch, Krishna Prakash, they received information that women were indulging in flesh trade at the bar.

"All the accused persons have been detained, which includes 13 customers and four stewards and a manager named Narayanan. The owner of the Nityanand bar is Manoj Shetty, who was not present at the time of raid but as he is the owner, he owes the responsibility," said Prakash.

Prakash further said that huge amount of cash was also recovered.

"Ten girls were present in the bar. One sings with the orchestra and she does not have the counter number. Rest nine girls have also been rescued," said Prakash.

South Asia is the second largest venue for human trafficking in the world, after East Asia, according to the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Police had charged the owners of the restaurant and detained guests under the prohibition act and the Bombay Police Act.

The Prevention of Immoral Trafficking Act (PITA) act is meant to combat trafficking of females as well as prostitution in the city.

Over 150,000 people are known to be trafficked within the region every year - mostly for sex work, but also for labour, forced marriages and as part of the organ trade, according to UNODC officials.

Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing transnational organised crimes in South Asia.

Traffickers often take advantage of impoverished communities, luring girls and young women and girls with promises of jobs as maids or nannies in wealthy households in the cities. But, activists say, the reality is very different. (ANI)


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