iBall has launched its new Slide 3G 7334 tablet in India and has priced it at Rs 10,999. This Android tablet that has 3G and 2G support is a great catch especially with the dual SIM support.
Sandeep Parasrampuria, Director of iBall said, "We are heartened at iBall to present yet another innovation and latest technology for the Indian consumers with the launch of iBall Slide 3G 7334. It happens to be the first tablet PC in India to have dual SIM and a FM transmitter function".
Here are the features and specification of iBall Slide 3G 7334 tablet:
Slide 3G 7334 operates on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system and generates its power from 1.5GHz Cortex A9 1GHz processor.
iBall Slide 3G 7334 is a dual SIM tablet and has 2G and 3G network support.
Slide 3G 7334 is topped with a 7-inch HD WSVGA capacitive multi touchscreen with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels.
Slide 3G 7334 sports a 2.0 Mega Pixel primary camera and a VGA camera at the front for video calling. It comes with 8 GB of built-in memory.
This tablet has Wi-Fi capability and comes with A-GPS support.
Output ports include a micro SD card slot that can be used to extend memory up to 32 GB, a 3.5 mm audio jack, HDMI port and a micro USB port.