Wellington, Oct. 27 (ANI): Nobel Peace Prize-winning grassroots activist organization, Amnesty International is launching a new Facebook application that will illustrate to the site's users in New Zealand on how some of their posts could lead them to getting tortured, imprisoned or even killed in other countries.
The application, called Trial By Timeline, scans a person's Facebook page and determines what crimes they might have committed in other countries simply through listing their occupation, gender, relationship status or liking posts that an oppressive regime may deem offensive. It then lists what the punishment for that 'crime' is likely to be in particular countries.
Amnesty IT manager Vivian Chandra says the application, taglined 'Protect the Human', is part of a new branding for the organization whose main idea is to show New Zealand Facebook users what it's like to live in countries where even joining the social media site is a crime, Stuff.co.nz reports.
According to the report, the app also pretends to interrogate a person's Facebook friends, in order to provide "a very real level of creepiness", says Chandra.
When the app has finished scanning the Facebook page it summarises the crimes and punishments that have been 'committed' by the user. However, the app can be easily removed through the account setting menu on the Facebook home page, the report said.Trial by Timeline is being developed by advertising agency Colenso BBDO, and has been six months in development, the report added. (ANI)