Delhi Police organized Commemoration Day Parade in remembrance of Police personnel who were killed in serving their respective forces.
Neeraj Kumar, Commissioner of Police, Delhi read out state and Central Police Organizations-wise list of personnel who were killed or met with unnatural death during the period. In all, 566 police personnel including 19 of Delhi Police were killed while serving their respective forces. State and Central Police Organizations-wise details of personnel killed during the period from 01-09-2011 to 31-08-2012 are Andhra Pradesh 10 Assam 03 Chhatishgarh 24, Gujrat 01, Himachal Pradesh 03, Jammu Kashmir 10, Jharkhand 43, Karnataka 05, Kerala o1, Madhya Pradesh 10, Maharastra 04, Manipur 09, Meghalaya 08, Nagaland 04, Odisha 18, Punjab 29, Rajasthan 01, Tami Nadu 03, Tripura 01, Uttar Pradesh 133, Uttarakhand 05, West Bengal 28, BSF 85, CISF 21, CRPF 57, ITBP 02, MHA 01, RPF 19 and SPG 02, SSB 05.
19 personnel of Delhi Police namely ASI Bhim Singh Vedi, HC Rakesh Dinesh Kumar Pathak, HC Satender Pal Panwar, HC Krishan Kumar, HC Jai Pal, HC Yash Pal, Const. Tanveer Singh, Const. Deeptak Kumar, Const. Satyavir Singh, Const. Naresh Kumar Verma, Const. Riyaz Hussain, Const. Kapil Dev, Const, Devender Singh, Const, Mahavir Singh and Const. Parveen laid their lives in the ine of duty. K.K. Paul, Member UPSC, Shri N.S. Sandhu Director IB, Shri V.Rajagopal Spl. Director IB and retired Commissioners of Police, Delhi, Subash Tondan, Raja Vijay Karan, M.B. Kaushal Ajai Raj Sharma, i R.S. Gupta , senior officers of Delhi Police and CPOs paid homage by laying wreath at the memorial. A two minutes silence was observed in remembrance of martyrs.
It is noted that the Commemoration Day is observed every year on 21st October by Chinese force in Laddakh region on 21 Oct. 1959.