Washington, Oct. 19 (ANI): Micro-blogging platform Twitter has blocked a neo-Nazi group's account at the request
of German police, the first time the firm has 'censored content' on the social site.
"With hundreds of millions of Tweets posted every day around the world, our goal is to respect our users' expression,
while also taking into consideration applicable local laws," the New York Daily News quoted the California-based
company, as saying.
According to the report, neo-Nazi group, 'Better Hannover' was blocked by Twitter at the request of German
authorities, who have charged its members with violating the country's hate speech laws.
The group's handle @hannoverticker and its tweets are still visible in some countries, including the U.S., but any
tweets since the group was banned on Sept. 25 will no longer be visible in Germany, the report said.
Twitter said the localized ban is an effort to avoid pulling content globally.
" We announced the ability to withhold content back in Jan. We're using it now for the first time re: a group deemed
illegal in Germany," Twitter attorney, Alex Macgillivray, confirmed the move in a tweet.
"Never want to withhold content; good to have tools to do it narrowly and transparently," his tweet added. (ANI)