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Ugandan lioness adopts antelope baby after eating its mother

London, Tue, 09 Oct 2012 ANI

London, Oct 9 (ANI): A lioness in Uganda showed its softer side as it adopted an orphaned antelope, right after she had killed and eaten its mother.

Photographs taken on the plains of Uganda show the lioness playing with the antelope's calf before picking it up by the scruff of its neck and carrying it away like one of her own, the Mirror reported.

The lioness showed her softer side when the trembling calf appeared from the long grass nearby, after she had killed the mother.

Photographer Adri De Visser, 50, photographed the unique moment in the Queen Elizabeth National Park.

"I was told there were two lionesses close by feeding on a kill so I went to go take some wildlife pictures," the Mirror quoted him as saying.

"When I got there, I saw the lionesses feeding on a Uganda kob's carcass. The fawn just stood there before running into the lioness. It went between its legs like it was trying to get its milk. The lioness was really confused and they stood there for around 45 minutes.

"Then a park ranger turned up on his motorbike which made a really loud noise, which I think frightened the animals. So the lioness picked the fawn up by the neck and carried it off like one of its own," he said.

Fellow tourists later spotted the fawn running around unharmed with the lioness. (ANI)

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