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JK Rowling going back to writing children's books

London, Mon, 08 Oct 2012 ANI

London, Oct 8 (ANI): JK Rowling is returning to writing children's books following the publication of her first novel for adults 'The Casual Vacancy.'

The 'Harry Potter' author, who has been reluctant to say whether she would return to children's fiction after finishing the boy wizard series, confirmed that her next book would be for young children.

"As the writer of Harry Potter, I'm always nervous of committing myself to another children's book, but yes, the next thing I write will be for children," the Telegraph quoted her as saying.

"I have a lot of things on my laptop currently, including a couple of things for children - for a slightly younger age group than Harry Potter was aimed at - which are nearly done and will, I think, be the next thing I publish. I have run them by my children and they seem to like them which is always a good sign.

"I also have some ideas for another book for adults but it isn't too far on [in development]," she said. (ANI)

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