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Soon, robotic sea turtles that carry high-tech gadgets in their shells

Washington, Sat, 06 Oct 2012 ANI

Washington, October 6 (ANI): Mechanical engineers, who have been working hard on a robotic sea turtle called "Naro-Tartaruga", have come up with a prototype that features a large waterproof torso and can pack in a bunch of sensors and batteries needed to keep it working.

The prototype by researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology is several feet long, primarily made of aluminium, and can move a meter per second, which translates into 6.6 feet.

Each fin contains three actuators for 3-D movement and the robot has a diving depth of more than 300 feet, according to the specifications, Discovery News reported.

The robotic sea turtle could have several key advantages over fish including extra manoeuvrability, capability and speed along with being able to hide high-tech gadgetry under the shell.

While the robot-turtle can be controlled remotely, it's primarily intended to push the limits of autonomous underwater navigation.

According to IEEE Spectrum, the latest prototype will finally be heading for its first open water dive later this month. (ANI)

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