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New 'invisibility cloak' technology to make car reversing accidents history!

Wellington, Fri, 05 Oct 2012 ANI

Wellington, Oct. 5 (ANI): Researchers at Japan's Keio University are trying to develop a new system that would make the rear area of the car seem transparent to the driver, so as to reduce reversing accidents and make parking easier.

The system would possibly be a variant of a 10-year-old optical-camouflage technology, the original of which was unveiled as an 'invisibility cloak', and involved capturing footage from behind an object, before projecting the background onto the garment creating the illusion of invisibility.

"The driver will feel like he's driving a glass car," Fairfax NZ News quoted researcher Masahiko Inami, as saying.

According to the report, the technology uses retroreflective materials, which reflect light with little of that light scattering back the way it came. The cloak is embedded with thousands of highly reflective beads to shine light in specific directions, creating the illusion of partial invisibility.

Although there is little information about this system would be set up in a car, but it would possibly involve a display attached to the driver's headset, so as to allow the person at the wheel to see the rear part of the car. (ANI)

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