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SLPL boss pleased with T20 tournament's huge success despite low crowds

Islamabad , Thu, 13 Sep 2012 ANI

Islamabad, Sep 13(ANI): Sri Lankan Premier League (SLPL) chief executive Sandiip Bhammer has said he is satisfied with the outcome of the tournament's inaugural version, and expressed delight over its success, despite facing the problem of low crowd attendance during the matches.

"We are very pleased with how the first season of the Mahindra SLPL went. We had a number of objectives, and to the extent that those objectives were met, that became a barometer for assessing how we had done," Bhammer said during an interview with

"The matches were extremely well followed, particularly in countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, and mostly in Pakistan because this was like a home league away from home for Pakistanis," he added.

"There were more than a million viewers across You Tube and basically the SLPL was among the most trending topics on Twitter. Even the official tournament Face Book page had more than 33,000 fans in only the first month of the official site going live," he said.

On the problem of low crowd, Bhammer said: "Where the SLPL did not do well was on crowds, but having said that the crowds incrementally built in every game over the prior games. "

"So by the time we reached the semi-finals and final we had 5,000. So while the SLPL started off with a low number of people attending the games, as word spread the SLPL actually ended up being a fantastic tournament for people to come in and enjoy their weekends or weekday evenings," he concluded. (ANI)

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