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US University's hockey team probed over 'drunk sex in penalty box' claims

New York, Sat, 08 Sep 2012 ANI

New York, September 8 (ANI): Sordid details have emerged of the sexual antics of university hockey players at a controversial championship party - which includes students having sex in the penalty box.

The shocking details emerged after Boston University released a report on the 'culture of sexual entitlement' by its hockey players, the Daily Mail reported.

Many of the details of the investigation - which includes tales of sexual debauchery - were only revealed in confidential subcommittee reports.

However, these documents - which have been reported by the Boston Globe - paint a worrying picture of the attitude of some of the university's hockey players towards sex.

The report contained details of a late-night championship party in 2009 at the Agganis Arena which revealed that students were having sex in the penalty box on the ice, dozens of guests drank from beer kegs in the locker room showers and party-goers took to the ice naked to shoot ice pucks.

Details of the party have now only emerged after a task force was launched in February when two Boston University hockey players were charged with sexual assault.

The investigation by the task force found that some hockey players - when surrounded by fans - had 'the perception that they need not seek consent for sexual contact.'

The task force was told by one female student that a hockey player had put his hands down her pants at a party and, despite the fact that she was punching him, refused to stop.

When asked why she had not reported the incident to authorities, she replied: 'that's just what [BU hockey players] do.'

The reports also found that some hockey players at the university boast about their sexual exploits on Facebook, often referring to conquests as 'kills'.

Many of the hockey players, the investigation also found, regularly engage in group sex. (ANI)


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