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Suarez says 'deprived childhood' reason behind 'fight for everything' attitude

London , Sun, 26 Aug 2012 ANI

London, Aug 26(ANI): Much maligned Liverpool striker Luis Suarez has revealed he developed a fight for everything attitude, which he generally displays on the football pitch, due to his deprived and underprivileged childhood.

For Suarez hunger wasn't just an abstract mental concept, but a literal reality as he grew up in Montevideo, Uruguay, the middle son of seven boys raised alone by their mother.

Despite facing so many difficulties in his childhood, Suarez makes no issue of it, but says there were times when the family didn't know where the next meal was coming from.

There were times too when Suarez played football in bare feet because he couldn't afford boots. At the age of 11, the striker got an invite to the Uruguay FA's academy, but couldn't accept because he didn't have any boots.

"Yes, it's true. When I was a kid I had to fight for everything. That's why I put so much into fighting for everything on the pitch," The Daily Mirror quoted Suarez, as saying.

"It was very hard for me as a kid to get through as a footballer in Uruguay. I had to sacrifice a lot of things to get where I am. Now I don't want to miss any of the opportunities that are open to me. That's why I play so hard on the pitch," he added.

"I don't know if that kid is still inside me, not any more, but certainly from time to time I do remember playing without shoes. I had a really hard time growing up, we were a large family and we didn't have much money at home," he said. (ANI)

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