Mumbai, Aug 25 (IANS) Defence Minister A.K. Antony Saturday inaugurated the Maharashtra cluster of the chain of static sensors aimed at providing real-time surveillance along the coastline.
This is the first of a coastal surveillance network comprising static radar and electro-optic sensors at 84 remote sites along the coastline, including the island territories, to detect movement of suspicious vessels.
After the inauguration, Antony said guarding the Indian coastline is a "challenging" task. The setting up of the coastal surveillance network will enhance the electronic surveillance capability of the Coast Guard.
Antony also said that the western coastline is highly sensitive and hence the decision was taken to make the cluster in Maharashtra and Gujarat operational first.
The sensors are operational with radar stations fitted at Tarapur, Korlai, Tolkeshwar and Devgad as part of the chain of static sensors project of the Coast Guard.
The network is an important component of the coastal security mechanism, which will ensure identification and monitoring of maritime traffic.
"The fast changing coastal security scenario and the varied threat perceptions require proper coordination and alertness. The role of fishing communities acquires a singular importance. We must ensure maximum community participation to strengthen our coastal security," he said.
The first phase of the project will span 46 locations and envisages real-time surveillance cover up to 25 nautical miles.
High-end surveillance gadgets such as frequency diversity radar, electro-optic sensors, VHF sets and meteorological equipment have been installed on either existing lighthouses or masts erected at each sites.
Data generated by the static sensors at the remote operating stations will come to the Guard regional headquarters, which will serve as regional operating centres.