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Britney Spears' medical condition behind prolonged conservatorship

London, Fri, 24 Aug 2012 ANI

London, Aug 24 (ANI): Britney Spears serious medical issue that prevents her from making consistently sound decisions, is said to be the reason why her conservatorship is still with her father Jamie and attorney Andrew Wallet.

The popstar has now appealed for her conservatorship to end, saying she is "ready" to take charge of her personal affairs, even if her business affairs remain out of her control.

The 'X Factor' judge had a meeting with the judge in charge of the case last week, saying she can't understand why the legal restrictions are still in place.

"Britney told Judge Reva Goetz in her chambers with her court appointed attorney, Sam Ingham present, that she is ready for the conservatorship to end," the Daily Mail quoted a source as telling Radar Online.

"Britney said she doesn't understand why it's still in place and expressed her belief that she has got to be the only person under a conservatorship that has managed to land a 15 million dollar work contract [on 'The X Factor']," the source said.

Although Spears told the judge that she is happy for the conservators to retain control of her career decisions, she doesn't understand why they are still in charge of her personal life.

"Britney wants the conservatorship to end, it's fine with her if it stays in place as far as her business and professional life, but she wants to call the shots when it comes to her personal life.

"Britney pointed out to the judge that she will be on live television weekly this fall once X Factor premiers on Fox in September and the tremendous progress she has made since the conservatorship was put in place," the source added.

However, despite the 'Toxic' hitmaker's wishes, it is unlikely the conservatorship will end any time soon.

"Britney's team of doctors just don't feel that she is ready for the conservatorship to end.

"They have specific concerns related to her mental health and aren't ready to tell the judge that Britney is ready to go it alone just yet. Judge Goetz is the only person that can end the conservatorship," the source said.

According to, those "specific concerns" regard an undisclosed medical complaint which "affects her state of mind."

Sealed medical documents submitted to the courts detail the condition.

Another meeting is scheduled between Spears and the judge within the next 60 days. (ANI)

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