New Delhi, July 19 (ANI): Bollywood star Akshay Kumar had once said that if given a chance to go back in time, he would want to witness the super-stardom of his father-in-law Rajesh Khanna.
"I would want to go back in time and witness the super-stardom of my father-in-law Rajesh Khanna. Witnessing the golden phase of his career and his crazy fan-following would be an experience in itself," the actor said.
The star confirmed the news of his father-in-law's passing during a brief appearance outside the 69-year-old star's residence 'Ashirwad' on Wednesday.
"My father-in-law Mr. Rajesh Khanna has gone to a nice and heavenly place, we are happy about that. I hope everybody who is watching this can just say a small little prayer for him," he said.
The superstar passed away at his Mumbai residence on Wednesday. The actor was 69. (ANI)