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Cheryl Cole thought she would die in plane

Washington, Fri, 29 Jun 2012 ANI

Washington, June 29 (ANI): Cheryl Cole has revealed how she feared for her life when her private jet was stranded in a storm as lightning struck the runway.

Cheryl was at Frankfurt airport in Germany recently when a huge storm hit just before the aircraft was about to take off, which left her needing her sick bag.

"We were stuck in the plane and just sitting on the runway and a bright massive flash of light hit outside the aircraft. I said to my friend, 'That's lightning'-then it just didn't stop," Contactmusic quoted her as saying..

"I was so scared that I thought, 'This is it. I've got an album to promote and I've got so much yet to do!"'

The crooner elaborated her ordeal and said that they had to be grounded for an hour before the plane took off.

"We had to stay put in the aircraft on the runway. They couldn't even take us back to the terminal.

"When we finally took off about an hour later I was terrified we'd be hit by lightning in the air," she added. (ANI)

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