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Delhi reels under searing heat, monsoon delayed

New Delhi,Environment/Wildlife, Fri, 29 Jun 2012 IANS

New Delhi, June 29 (IANS) As the monsoon missed its scheduled date with the capital, denizens continued to reel under the scorching heat Friday with the minimum temperature settling four notches above average at 31.6 degrees.

In the abscence of any succour, the capital's residents are forced to sweat it out in the dry heat.

The situation is especially uncomfortable for those who travel by two-wheelers as the dry heat, coupled with the harsh sunlight, tans the skin or worse, result in a heat stroke. As a result it's a common sight to see several Delhiites who dare to venture out either are wrapped up in scarfs or carrying umbrellas.

The situation is expected to remain so for at least a week as the monsoon winds have not advanced from Uttar Pradesh over Delhi and its neighbouring areas, an official of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said.

"The winds have reached Uttar Pradesh but it will take around a week for them to reach Delhi," said the IMD official.

Some relief is, however, in sight as the weather office has forecast that the western disturbances, which are not related to monsoon, may cause light rain in parts of the city over the weekend.

Meanwhile, the skies are expected to remain partly cloudy Friday. The maximum temperature is expected to hover around the 42 degrees Celsius mark.

Thursday's maximum temperature settled five notches above average at 41.6 degrees Celsius, while the minimum was two notches above average at 30.4 degrees Celsius.

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