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Oz consumer watchdog warns thieves using Apple passwords to hack iTunes accounts

Sydney , Tue, 19 Jun 2012 ANI

Sydney, June 19 (ANI): Thieves are buying stolen Apple passwords online in order to hack into users iTunes and app store accounts, an Australian consumer watchdog has warned.

The Consumer Affairs Victoria issued a credit card fraud warning to Apple customers after the technology company's website received complaints that unauthorised purchases were being made.

Hackers are using online forums to sell iTunes passwords for as little as 33 dollars, allowing thieves to reap thousands of dollars in purchases, the watchdog revealed.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, Consumer Affairs Victoria also warned that counterfeit apps on sale through the App store could expose buyers' to virus-like software which could then be used to steal personal information.

Apple said that it is working to improve the security of its online stores, and has told affected customers to change their account passwords and contact their financial institutions.

Internet security expert Mark Gregory, however, said large multinational companies such as Apple were not doing enough to protect consumers.

"It's not just the money being lost, it's the customer's private and personal data and to some extent that's more import than losing money," the paper quoted him, as saying. (ANI)

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