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4 myths surrounding skin cancer debunked

Washington, Mon, 28 May 2012 ANI

Washington, May 27 (ANI): One is never too old, or too young, for making big mistakes when it comes to skin protection.

According to a new study by the Mayo Clinic, melanoma rates are up in general but women under 40 seem to be effected most.

In fact, women under 40 are eight times more likely to get skin cancer now than they were back in 1970.

Might be a surprising revelation but lead researcher Dr. Jerry Brewer, a dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic has an explanation to it.

"Certainly sunscreens weren't used as much four decades ago," the ABC News quoted Brewer as saying.

Brewer revealed that while people are aware of the danger of sun exposure and tanning beds, their behavior isn't changing.

And moreover, the experts claim that it's not just the teenager mentality of 'nothing-bad-will-happen-to-me' that plays the role here.

There are a number of misconceptions that are jeopardizing everybody.

Which is why, it is imperative that facts about skin care should stay clearly separated from the myths.

Some skin care myths that could be putting your health at risk include:

The Myth says that a yearly mole check is all I need for screening.

However the fact is that If you're not at high risk for skin cancers, once a year is enough, says Dr. Marina Peredo, a board-certified dermatologist in Smithtown, NY.

But yes, if you're fair, have a family history of melanoma or have suffered several bad sunburns in your life, you should see a dermatologist every six months.

Another Myth says that one should apply sunscreen as soon as they get to the beach.

The fact is that sunscreen should be slathered at least one hour before entering the sun.

"You need to give it a chance to absorb," said Dr. Tony Nakhla, a dermatologist and author of The Skin Commandments.

By the time one takes a walk from their car to the beach, they have already been exposed to harmful direct sunlight.

Myths are also prevalent as to what is the right method of applying the sunscreen.

The Myth says that one needs to get a base tan so that they don't burn.

However according to Dr. Nakhla, the fact states that pairing up that thought with some fair genetics and it's a breeding ground for melanoma.

When you give yourself a "base," you're essentially double-dipping in damaging UVA/UVB rays.

There is no such concept as a base tan. A tanned skin is basically a damaged skin, and damaged skin is, well, damaged.

Another Myth that goes around says that if skin is naturally dark, it never burns, which is why dark skinned people don't need sunscreen

But the fact states otherwise.

"Skin cancer is color-blind," said Dr. Jeanine Downie, a dermatologist in Montclair, NJ, and coauthor of Beautiful Skin of Color.

In fact, skin cancer rates are increasing among Latinos. Moreover, those with dark skin may not recognize the early stages of skin cancers as easily as people with light skin. (ANI)

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