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Anti-dam movement: Hazare urges Akhil Gogoi to end fast

Assam,Environment/Wildlife,Immigration/Law/Rights, Mon, 28 May 2012 IANS

Guwahati, May 28 (IANS) Extending his support to Assam's farmer leader Akhil Gogoi, Anna Hazare Monday urged him to end his indefinite fast since May 19, and said his good health was important to continue the movement against the construction of mega dams.

Hazare told this to Gogoi over telephone after team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal arrived here Monday and facilitated the conversation between the two. Gogoi launched his fast-unto-death May 19 to protest building of dams in the northeastern region.

Kejriwal met the fasting farmer leader at the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), where he has been continuing his fast after being "forcibly" admitted by the government since May 25.

Kejriwal also addressed a public rally at the Lakhidhar Bora Khetra, where Gogoi started his fast.

"...Assam government had attempted to break the fast of Akhil Gogoi and forcibly evicted him from the fasting venue and admitted to the hospital. This move of Assam government is not only inhuman but also an attack on the constitution which allows every citizen the right to peaceful protest," said Kejriwal while interacting with the media persons later.

He said: "Anna-ji has asked Akhil Gogoi not only to end fast but also to spread awareness against mega dams in the entire northeast and in the country, and create a nationwide mass movement against the mega dams. Anna-ji has also asked Akhil Gogoi to fix a date on which a massive anti-dam movement can be launched across the country."

"Anna-ji will himself sit on an indefinite fast along with Akhil Gogoi," he added.

"Akhil Gogoi is only demanding a cumulative assessment of the mega dams. What is wrong in this?" Kejriwal asked.

He noted that earlier an expert committee formed by the government had expressed apprehensions against the construction of mega dams in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.

Kejriwal questioned the transparency in allotting the power projects to various corporate houses. "There was no competitive bidding before allotting the projects and so it is a clear case of corruption...on the basis of that, the ongoing construction of all mega dams should be stopped."

Kejriwal also appealed to the Arunachal Pradesh government to stop the construction of mega dams in the state.

"We are not against dams. We want electricity too, but that should not be at the cost of local people, environment and ecology of the region," he said.

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