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World's most expensive omelette comes with $1,000 price tag

London, Fri, 25 May 2012 ANI

London, May 25 (ANI): A New York hotel has the world's most expensive omelette on its menu, which will set you back 1,000 dollars.

Packed with lobster and caviar, the Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata, is featured on the menu at Norma's restaurant in Manhattan's Le Parker Meridien Hotel.

The 10ounces of American Sturgeon caviar piled on top of the omelette ordinarily retails for about 65 dollars an ounce.

With 650 dollars worth of caviar sitting atop the expensive omelette, the extra 350 dollars is made up of one whole lobster, eggs, cream and chives, the dish's main ingredients, and then the hotel's overheads.

"We actually don't make much money on it, we sell it at about cost," the Daily Mail quoted Marisa Zafran, Parker Meridien's director of public relations, as saying.

For people who want a taste of the high-end omelette, but can't afford to splurge, there is also a scaled down version available for 100 dollars.

According to Zafran, about a 12 people order the 1,000 dollars omelette per year, and approximately ten people per month order the 100 dollar version.

On the menu next to the dish, a cheeky challenge reads: 'Norma dares you to expense this.'

"When we launched the omelette in 2004, expensive food wasn't a trend. The idea was decadent and funny," Zafran explained.

The hotel, and its restaurant, is well-known for its tongue 'n cheek humour, as well as its delicious breakfast concoctions.

"[The omelette] started out as a joke, we were playing around because it's very on brand for us," Zafran said.

"We knew it was going to be a very expensive dish, so we decided to have some fun with it. It tastes incredible, though. It's not just a gimmick," Emile Castillo, Norma's executive chef, said.

Two years ago a London restaurant served what was thought to be the world's costliest omelette, for 140 dollars. (ANI)

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