New Delhi, May 25 (ANI): Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram, who inaugurated the central Immigration, Visa and Foreigner's Registration and Tracking (IVFRT) office here on Friday, said every foreigner entering India will get efficient, speedy and courteous service from here, and added that it would also enhance security for there will be a record of all those entering India.
"As far as the foreigner is concerned, the foreigner will get efficient, speedy and courteous service. As far as security is concerned, this will enhance our security, because there will be a record of every foreigner entering and leaving India," he told media after inaugurating the IVFRT Central processing office.
Chidambaram described the central IVFRT office as state of the art office, where every foreigner will leave an entry and exit record.
"The central IVFRT office is a state of the art office. The idea is that every foreigner, who enters India must leave a record of his entry and his exit and there will be a unique case file created for every single foreigner who enters India on a visa," said Chidambaram.
"He enters India on any one of the international gateways or any one of the 77 IPCs, the foreigner will leave an entry record and when they exit they will leave an exit record. And there will be a unique case filed for every foreigner," he added.
Chidambaram further said this would facilitate quicker processing of visa applications.
"So, every foreigner entering India today will either have a new case file created for him or his data will be uploaded or an existing case file, which was created when he last came to India. This will facilitate quicker processing of visa applications because they are online now," said Chidambaram.
"It will enable us to track people, who are on the watch list or in the no entry list or the look out list and it will also help us track the people, who are overstaying the visa," he added.
The IVFRT project has been developed to a secure and integrated service delivery framework that facilitates legitimate travelers while strengthening security.
The project envisages facilitation services to the travelers including on-line application forms, 24X7 on-line channel, phone support for grievance redressal and e-mail/SMS support for dissemination of information, application status and feedback. The project seeks to achieve service delivery within specified time limits for each category of travelers.
Modernization and up-gradation of Immigration services is one of the Mission Mode project's being undertaken by the Ministry of Home Affairs under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). (ANI)