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Nude Playboy model steals Mexican presidential debate

Washington, Tue, 08 May 2012 ANI

Washington, May 8 (ANI): The candidates of Mexico's presidential debate had to share the spotlight with a curvaceous model, who has posed nude for Playboy, as she appeared on stage for less than 30 seconds during the showdown.

Julia Orayen puzzled millions on Sunday night and became a trending topic on Twitter when people saw her carrying an urn filled with bits of paper determining the order that candidates would speak.

She sported a tight, white dress with a wide, tear-drop cutout that revealed her ample decolletage. The image was splashed across newspaper front pages and websites by Monday.

"The best was the girl in white with the cleavage at the beginning," tweeted former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda, who is also a New York University professor.

Orayen's name jockeyed for third and fourth place throughout the day under Twitter's Mexico City trends, where a click revealed her previous work, including an almost-nude spread commemorating Mexican Independence Day in which she appears in minimal garb modelled on images of Mexican founding father Jose Maria Morelos, Fox News reported..

Alfredo Figueroa, director of the Federal Electoral Institute responsible for organizing the debate, blamed a production associate, who was hired by the institute to help with the debate, for the incident.

Later, the institute issued an apology to Mexican citizens and the candidates for the woman's dress.

Interviewed by the Cadena Tres TV network, Orayen said that the production team instructed her to wear a long, white dress, but she picked it out from her own closet.

"It was my only choice for a long dress. I didn't think it would reveal as much or cause this much scandal," she said.

"I learned I like myself better when I'm covered up."

Gabriel Quadri, who is drawing single-digit support as the candidate of the New Alliance party, asserted that her appearance made him nervous.

"It is impossible not to concentrate your attention on a woman so spectacular," Quadri told MVS radio.

It was the only thing unexpected in a debate that analysts said would likely have no impact on the candidates' standings in the polls. (ANI)

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