London, Mar 24 (ANI): Search giant Google has been awarded a patent on technology by US authorities that would serve up targeted advertising based on a smartphone user environment, according to a report.
Google envisages advertising based on the local weather conditions, detected by sensors in a mobile device.
"When determining what ads to serve to end users, the environmental factors can be used independently or in combination with matching of keywords associated with the advertisements and keywords in user search queries," said the patent.
It said a web browser or search engine located at the user's site might obtain information on the environment, such as temperature, humidity, light, sound, air composition, from sensors.
"Advertisers may specify that the ads are shown to users whose environmental conditions meet certain criteria," the appetent said.
According to The Telegraph, the patent suggested that if temperatures rise above a certain level Google could serve up advertising for air conditioning systems.
The patent has been linked with the film, Minority Report, in which Tom Cruise's character is besieged by highly target advertising on the streets of a dystopian city.
Google also patented the idea of analysing the background noise when a user makes a call to target advertising, the paper said.
For instance, the system could detect if a user is at a concert and determine which by via their GPS location. It would then deliver advertising for albums, instruments, or audio equipment. (ANI)