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Hairdresser 'tortured' by size 30L natural boobs that are still growing

London, Fri, 10 Feb 2012 ANI

London, Feb 10 (ANI): A hairdresser, who was once the title-holder of Britain's largest natural boobs, is now tormented by her ballooning breasts.


Petite Rachel, 24, who won the title in 2007 with her 30J chest, said her breasts have now blown up to a whopping 30L and she fears that they will keep growing.I dread to think what they will become," the Sun quoted her as saying.


"Sometimes I feel like a walking pair of boobs. They are all anyone can see.


"I'm worried eventually I won't be able to walk or even stand."


Presently, Rachel only has the UK's second biggest natural chest after 40M Donna Jones, 29, came forward in 2008.


But if her boobs keep distending at their current rate, she will have her title back within two years.


The hairdresser, from Brackley, Northants, revealed that her mum had a breast reduction from 30K to C but she is too scared to go under the knife - despite agonising back pain.


"It's torture having these monsters in front of me - the worst thing is they keep growing," she said. (ANI)


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