Washington, Aug 28 (ANI): In wake of the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, superstar Brad Pitt has returned to New Orleans.
During an interview with NBC Nightly News, Pitt recalled what he saw when he visited New Orleans after the hurricane.
"It was unfathomable. I mean, just-you had no idea that there were families and here. It was just wiped clean. Except for the occasional pile up of homes and-- on top of homes," Usmagazine.com quoted Pitt as saying during the interview.
In 2007, Pitt helped in a project called Make It Right, that has built 34 eco-friendly homes.
"I mean, people's-people build their lives here.
"And-and-I mean, New Orleans is a unique place to begin with.
"And I say-a cultural treasure trove for-for America to begin with. But the thing that struck me was that these people were trying to-you know, these people were trying to get home. And-and were having a very difficult time doing so.
"And as I got into and started studying it," he added. (ANI)