London, Aug.21 (ANI): Former England football star Paul Gascoigne has claimed that cheating death in a crash helped him beat his booze addiction.
Gazza emerged fit and well from four weeks in rehab yesterday, and now, according to the Daily Mail, he is confident about conquering his internal demons.
"I realise how precious my life is and I'm not going to waste it," a smiling Gazza said.
Gazza, 43, has piled on the pounds during his stay at the 600-pound-a-week Providence Projects clinic near Bournemouth.
He has replaced his craving for alcohol with a passion for HobNob biscuits.
He said: "I've been given a 10th life. I know how lucky I've been. I've tried other rehabs and you can never say: 'I'm cured.' But this time it feels different. I'm different. I can see a way of being the person I want to be. That crash may have nearly killed me, but it has ended up changing my life for the better."
Gazza was a passenger in a car that ploughed into a wall on Newcastle upon Tyne's Quayside in June. He suffered a punctured lung, a broken nose, smashed ribs and serious facial cuts.
He owed his life to a passing hotel night porter who put him in a recovery position to stop him choking on his own blood. (ANI)