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Sugar substitutes help reduce caloric intake

Washington, Fri, 23 Jul 2010 ANI

Washington, July 23 (ANI): A recent study has shown that people who consume low-calorie sweeteners are able to significantly reduce their caloric intake and do not overeat.


In fact, study participants who received the sugar substitutes instead of sugar consumed significantly fewer calories and there was no difference in hunger levels despite having fewer calories overall.


The researchers noted, "In conclusion, participants did not compensate by eating more at either their lunch or dinner meal and reported similar levels of satiety when they consumed lower calorie preloads [pre-meals] containing stevia or aspartame than when they consumed higher calorie preloads containing sucrose."


This study was conducted in both healthy and overweight adults and participants were given a pre-meal containing either sucrose, aspartame or stevia.


Those who received the stevia or aspartame consumed fewer calories overall, did not overeat and did not report increased feelings of hunger.


"Although the totality of the scientific evidence demonstrates that low-calorie sweeteners and the products that contain them are not related to weight gain, increased hunger or overeating, there have been recent reports questioning the benefits of low-calorie sweeteners," said Beth Hubrich of Calorie Control Council.


"When used as part of an overall healthy diet, low-calorie sweeteners and light products can be beneficial tools in helping people control caloric intake and weight, she said.


"This human study, in addition to the many others, serves as a counter to the recent allegations about low-calorie sweetener benefits from epidemiological studies (which cannot show cause and effect) and studies performed in a small number of rats," added Hubrich.


The findings were published in the Appetite. (ANI)


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