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Chastened Flintoff now happier dropping kids to school than getting Punter out

Dubai, Sat, 27 Mar 2010 ANI

Dubai, Mar 27(ANI): England all-rounder Andrew Flintoff, the swashbuckling hero of the cricket field and star of famous booze-fuelled escapades, has sobered up to enjoy time with his family and his new interest in horse racing in Dubai.


Flintoff admits that he has identified his responsibilities, and explains that dismissing Australian skipper Ricky Ponting is nothing compared to getting the kids to school on time.


"There are different challenges in life. As much as getting Ricky out or getting a few runs was good, I'm far happier taking my kids to school," The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Flintoff, as saying.


"It's far, far more rewarding to see my kids grow up as opposed to doing some of the dodgy celebrations at Edgbaston or Lord's or wherever it may be," he added.


The 32-year-old also believes that cricket has allowed him to understand what is good for him and how he should enjoy his life.


"The thing about the cricket I found is that you can go out on the cricket field in front of 20 to 100,000 people and milk it. It's something I've enjoyed. The adrenaline starts, the excitement. It's almost theatre and you go out there and perform," Flintoff said.


"But the other side is that I'm quite happy going home and closing the door and not seeing anyone, just spending time with my family and doing normal things at home with my mates. Cricket has allowed me the best of both worlds," he added.


Talking about his new interest in horse racing, Flintoff said that he owns racehorses with his manager Andrew Chandler and golfer Lee Westwood.


"I don't know a great deal about the finer things of horse racing, however I enjoy the event and I enjoy the day out. It's become something completely different to what I've been used to," he said. (ANI)


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