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Gayle amends score line prediction from 4-1 to 3-2 in Windies favour

Sydney, Wed, 10 Feb 2010 ANI

Sydney, Feb.10 (ANI): West Indian captain Chris Gayle is hoping to recapture his destructive batting form that thrilled crowds in Perth and Canberra earlier this summer.


Though he departed first ball in the Adelaide ODI on Tuesday, Gayle does not subscribe to view that the series is turning out to be one-sided.


While the Australian team is still treating each match as if it were a World Cup encounter, the West Indians though two-nil down, are hoping for a final score line of 3-2 in their favour, the Sydney Morning herald reports.


Gayle defended and then amended his pre-series prediction of a 4-1 victory to the West Indies.


"I was serious ... but we're 2-0 down and it can't happen. So I'll say 3-2," he said.


The Windies captain also said the visitors were eager to improve for Friday's match at the SCG to "make it more interesting so you can get some more ticket sales".


Commenting on his first ball dismissal, Gayle said his feet were always a little slow to move so early in his innings.


"I'd love to tell you what happened first ball, to be honest," he said.


"These things do happen to batters. The first ball is always a crucial one, being out there in the middle your legs don't start moving particularly early," he added. (ANI)


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