Mumbai, Jan 15 (ANI): The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) benchmark Sensex increased by 55 points in the opening trade on Friday, on emergence of fresh buying by funds ahead of the quarterly results of firms led by software company Tata Consultancy Services.
The 30-share index climbed by 54.98 points in the first five minutes of trade and carried on its gains for the third consecutive day.
The wide-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty increased by 19.95 points at 5,279.85 points at the same time.
The trading sentiments have improved ahead of the quarterly results to be announced by several firms led by TCS, claimed Marketmen.
A firm trend in the US market also supported the trading sentiment, they added.he Dow Jones Industrial Average had gained 0.1 percent to 10,690.90 on Thursday, and the Nasdaq Composite also climbed by 0.1 percent to 2,310.58. (ANI)
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