Union Human Resource Minister Kapil Sibbal on Friday inform to media that the foreign varsities were keen to participate in higher education in India. ‘The varsities are waiting for passing of foreign education providers’ bill,’ said Sibbal.
Referring to his last visit to USA, HR Minister informed media that there he met representatives of several universities and got very satisfying feedback.
Sibbal who returned to India from his weeklong visit on Thursday said his visit was ‘exceptionally satisfying’. “The varsities are very keen and waiting for passing of foreign education providers’ bill that will allow them to participate in reforming of higher education system of India,” he added.
In the move of improving the higher educational system of India, Sibbal went to USA on October 31, 2009 exploring the interest of foreign institutions and prestigious universities to come to India to participate in higher education.
But at present, the Indian law does not allow the foreign varsities to open their institutes in India, but soon the HR Ministry is likely to introduce the foreign education providers’ bill that will allow the varsities to open their institutes with the collaboration of Indian partners.
Soon, HR Ministry may introduce the bill, sources said.
Describing about his visit, the minister said that he held the meetings with functionaries of Harvard, Yale, MIT and Boston University among others there.
Responding over the concern of Indian Universities’ interest, the minister said that we would restrict them in making profit from the tuition and other fees related to imparting of the courses. However, they can make profit from other resources.
The minister also informed that they would be treated same as Indian private universities and they would have to follow the same rule made for Indian universities.