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Madonna's ex-lover furious over "suck-up" claims in new book

New York, Sat, 17 Oct 2009 ANI

New York, Oct 17 (ANI): Queen of Pop Madonna's ex-lover Ingrid Casares is said to be furious over new book "Miami Babylon" by Gerald Posner, in which she is portrayed as a drug-using celebrity suck-up.


"Maybe all those facelifts clouded his memory . . . pathetic," the New York Post quoted her as tweeting on October 14 before Posner did a book signing in Miami.


Casares also told the Miami Herald that the book is "complete fiction".


"He quotes me as saying I had nothing better to do than taking drugs and being a sycophant," she said.


"Not only would I not describe my disease of addiction that way, I would never describe a friendship with Madonna of 20 years as me being a sycophant. How ridiculous," she stated.


Casares, who visited Madonna last weekend with her son, Nicolas, 9, called Posner "a lame excuse for an author [who] screwed over a lot of people who worked very hard to make this city what it is today".


Posner, who said he's never had a facelift, thinks Casares is upset because his book details how she dumped Sandra Bernhard for Madonna in 1991 -- a few months before Steven Meisel took photos for Madonna's "Sex" book. (ANI)


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