A: Western Sahara lies on the geographical coordinates of 24° 30' 0" N, 13° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Western Sahara in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 24.5 | -13.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 24° 30' 0" N | 13° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:2711052.484335954 Easting:702655.6725298881 Zone:28R |
More detail about Western Sahara
The Western Sahara Has a Rough Climate
The Western Sahara is a territory on the western coast of Africa. It is right south of Morocco and north of Mauritania. The land is noted for being incredibly difficult to live in.
There is hardly any water in the Western Sahara. In fact, the only water that a person might find around the Western Sahara is at the North Atlantic Ocean on the western end of the country. This has made it so the Western Sahara has hardly any land that could be used for the purpose of growing crops.
There are some oases that can be found in the Western Sahara. However, these areas are very small in size. These are practically the only spots in the Western Sahara where people could try to grow crops.
Some winds and air currents do impact the Western Sahara during some times of the year. The area is known to be subjected to a series of cold air currents that can come out of the coast. These currents can cause areas that are impacted to become foggy. This is especially the case with dew conditions.
There are also concerns about the harmattan haze in the country. This part of the climate occurs when winds around the land pick up dust and sand from around the land. This can cause the many areas around the land to keep from being as easily visible as they should be. It is very difficult for travel caravans around the area to move through the Western Sahara when this haze occurs.
Sirocco winds can also be found in the area during some times of the year. These winds are common to the Western Sahara and other parts of western Africa. These winds can be at least fifty miles per hour in intensity in some particular cases in the spring.