A: Vatican City lies on the geographical coordinates of 41° 54' 0" N, 12° 27' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Vatican City in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 41.9 | 12.45 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 41° 54' 0" N | 12° 27' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:4641818.031774119 Easting:288477.07574799156 Zone:33T |
More detail about Vatican City
Vatican City is an Important Site to the Catholic Faith
Vatican City is a small state in the middle of Rome. This state was formed in 1929 as a result of the Lateran Pacts with Italy and the Holy See. The state is noted for all sorts of special features that make it important to people in the Catholic faith.
The state is long known for being the main site where the Pope holds mass. The Pope, who is the official leader of the Catholic Church, will address the religion?s followers from the Vatican at many times in the year. This is especially the case with the Pope?s annual address to the world during the Easter holiday.
Vatican City is home to a number of important chapels. These include the Saint Peter, Saint John Lateran and Saint Mary Major basilicas. The Pauline Chapel and Sistine Chapel are also located in Vatican City.
The Saint Peter basilica is noted for being a critical place of pilgrimage for many Catholics around the world. It is particularly noted as the burial site of Saint Peter, the man who is considered to be the first Pope.
The Sistine Chapel is also a vital part for the Catholic faith in Vatican City. This chapel is noted for being the main home of the Pope. It is also noted for the famous mural that Michelangelo had painted on the ceiling during the early sixteenth century.
A series of other important sites can be found in Vatican City. The state is home to Vatican Observatory. This is an astronomical site that involves the study of the stars and skies. The Vatican Film Library, which caters to recordings and files on the history of the church, is also located in Vatican City. The Vatican Apostolic Library is also essential in that it covers a series of books and manuscripts from the church?s history.