A: Tuvalu lies on the geographical coordinates of 8° 0' 0" S, 178° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Tuvalu in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -8.0 | 178.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 8° 0' 0" S | 178° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:9115568.293548577 Easting:610204.6020778146 Zone:60M |
More detail about Tuvalu
Tuvalu Has Made an Interesting Internet Deal
Tuvalu is a small series of atolls around the South Pacific Ocean. It has been independent from the British since 1978. The country is noted by some for its series of nine atolls with white beaches and low lying areas. However, it is also a country that has one of the most interesting economic deals in the world.
Tuvalu had been using the .tv domain name for its national online functions. This is in spite of the country having a little over ten thousand people living on it. However, the name had been used as a means of promoting the country to other people online.
However, Tuvalu opted to sell off the .tv domain name as a means of earning more money. This was done primarily because the .tv name could be short for television, thus meaning that the name could be used for television station purposes or for websites that feature large amounts of video and other multimedia content on them.
Tuvalu is earning a good deal of money on the name. Tuvalu signed a contract with an online service provider to sell the .tv name for $50 million over the course of twelve years. The deal was reached in 2000. This has helped to get Tuvalu to earn a free amount of money over the years.
This money has helped to get Tuvalu to earn money. This is critical because Tuvalu only has a GDP of a little over ten million dollars each year. The revenues that the country has been getting off of this online deal have worked well alongside other traditional economic sources for Tuvalu. These include such sources as the fishing, tourism and farming industries. Support is also earned each year through the Tuvalu Trust Fund, a fund that is supported by the United Kingdom and a couple of other countries.