A: Turkmenistan lies on the geographical coordinates of 40° 0' 0" N, 60° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Turkmenistan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 40.0 | 60.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 40° 0' 0" N | 60° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:4432069.056881956 Easting:243900.35198383447 Zone:41T |
More detail about Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan Has a Varied Economy
Turkmenistan, a country that surrounds Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran, has an economy that covers many different things. This is especially impressive for a country that features desert lands throughout most of its area. The features of the country's economy help to make it a valuable partner with many other countries in the Middle East and some surrounding areas.
Turkmenistan features a series of different oil and gas deposits. These deposits have dealt with some drilling and the construction of refineries in these areas. The country has gotten some profits off of these deposits by using pipelines that connect Turkmenistan's resources to China and Iran.
There are some concerns about these oil and gas areas. First, Russia has not been dealing with as many exports as usual. This has impacted the amount of money that Turkmenistan is getting. Also, Turkmenistan is not too concerned about the privatization of drilling in the country. Fortunately, the country should still be getting a good amount of money as the value of oil continues to increase due to ongoing uncertainty in areas where it is common.
There are a few other things that Turkmenistan produces for its economy. Cotton is one of the most popular commodities that can be found around Turkmenistan. This commodity is being traded in Ukraine, Turkey and Afghanistan among other places.
Grains are also grown throughout the country. However, these grains are not made with the intention of exporting to different countries. These grains, which predominantly include wheat, are grown with the intention of providing food to people around Turkmenistan. The farms are especially used to help with supporting jobs.
These economic features do not necessarily help the unemployment rate in Turkmenistan. More than half of the people in the country are unemployed. This equals nearly three million people who live in the country.