A: Sudan lies on the geographical coordinates of 15° 0' 0" N, 30° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Sudan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 15.0 | 30.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 15° 0' 0" N | 30° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1660513.686802436 Easting:177349.03824722726 Zone:36P |
More detail about Sudan
Sudan Has More To Offer
We often think that Sudan is a country who has nothing but a sunny weather.
Well, that's what most people say and think about the country. But actually,
these are all shams. Definitely, Sudan has more than one to offer, besides, if
it weren't for these income generating resources, of which they are immensely
endowed, their economy wouldn't be excellent. After all, it won't be labeled
Africa's richest country for nothing, right?
One of the major foundations of Sudan's economy is their tourism industry. The
country enjoys the privileges if having abundance of tourist spots and natural
resources. Despite the humid weather as it is part of the African territories,
it is still blessed with the aqua marine life, for instance are the famed reefs
of the Red Sea.
Its tourism activities have placed a strong tie between the Almighty Allah and
the youth, hence, opening venues where they could deepen their faith to Him. It
also inculcates a sense of love for their motherland. Aside from patriotism,
tourism carries higher rates of foreign exchange revenues for the economy.
Furthermore, tourism provided a really good venue for mingle with other locales
and travelers who just want to experience the Sudan culture. With this then,
tourism contributes two things: (1) it provides a good representation of what
the country really is to the world, its tradition and culture, its people and
its best tourist destinations, and (2) it strengthens any international
relationship Sudan have with other countries.
Sudan is popularly known for its Red Sea where a lot of their natural resources
cohabitate. A lot of activities can be enjoyed with just spending a day or two
with this magnificent Red Sea such as underwater photography and an up close and
personal contact with the marine life, cliff diving, water skiing, and boat
Aside from the wetlands, Sudan also has a very rich history and all these are
exhibited and foretold exquisitely at the many museums that you can visit and
one is the Sudan National Museum. In here, you can see a lot of archaeological
finds about the country.
It would be a great adventure digging into the places of the humble country of
Sudan. And what better way to do it is to experience it first-hand.