A: Saint Kitts and Nevis lies on the geographical coordinates of 17° 20' 0" N, 62° 45' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Saint Kitts and Nevis in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 17.3333 | -62.75 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 17° 20' 0" N | 62° 45' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1916444.2162966216 Easting:526563.3937166892 Zone:20Q |
More detail about Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Kitts and Nevis are Both Well Divided
Saint Kitts and Nevis are two islands in the Caribbean Sea that are east of Puerto Rico. These islands are independent islands that had operated by the British before Saint Kitts and Nevis became independent in 1983.
Saint Kitts is the island that is on the northwest part of the land. It is home to the capital of Basseterre. Nevis is the smaller circular island on the southeast part.
Although Saint Kitts and Nevis share many of the same things, there have been some concerns about how these two islands are related to each other. Nevis has expressed a desire to become its own separate island nation from Saint Kitts. In fact, a vote in 1998 was held to see whether or not Saint Kitts and Nevis should be separated.
The 1998 vote found that a majority of people wanted to separate from the land. However, the vote was short of the two-thirds majority that was required to allow for the separation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Saint Kitts and Nevis both work with the same kind of government system. However, Nevis has been holding its own separate elections for a number of years. These elections have been used with the intention of hiring its own people to control the island. A premier is voted upon by people around Nevis. The Nevis Island Assembly is also used as a legislative branch on Nevis in order to represent its people.
The same general features are still being used on both islands. Both countries still acknowledge the same rulers and the same monarch. The East Caribbean dollar is still used on both islands. However, the currency would more than likely be the same on Nevis in the event that Saint Kitts and Nevis do end up splitting up in some way later on.