A: Monaco lies on the geographical coordinates of 43° 44' 0" N, 7° 24' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Monaco in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 43.7333 | 7.4 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 43° 44' 0" N | 7° 24' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:4843495.656558762 Easting:371147.43552643945 Zone:32T |
More detail about Monaco
Monaco Living up to Tourism Reputation
Monaco is mostly known for its tourism industry and that is where the country makes most of its money. It is located on the Mediterranean coast with the nice weather that goes along with it. The country is beautiful and plenty of things to offer the tourist, whatever their interests lie.
There has been a large interest with foreign investments and the movement of foreign companies to this country because of the low taxes that are collected. In fact, these companies in the last few years have made up almost half of the government's revenues. The companies have to pay a third of their revenues in taxes if a quarter of their money is made in other countries. One of the most famous types of businesses in the country at the moment is the casino. Since 1856, there has been a large boom in that industry and it accounts for a quarter of the yearly revenue.
Another aspect that Monaco is well known for is its involvement with the field of marine sciences. It has an Oceanographic Museum which was in the past directed by Jacques Cousteau. It is one of the most famous institutes in the world that operates in this field.
All of the customs for this country as well as postal services, banking and telecommunications are governed by the economic and customs union of France. They use the Euro is Monaco as well. Because there is no commercial agriculture in Monaco whatsoever, they are forced to import all of these products. They participate in imports and exports with countries all over the world and have good trading communications and agreements in place.
The involvement is the marine sciences and the casinos as well as foreign business all contribute to the economy and in the sense that it brings more tourists. With Monaco, visitors are almost guaranteed to have a good time which is excellent for the economy.