A: Mayotte lies on the geographical coordinates of 12° 50' 0" S, 45° 10' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Mayotte in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -12.8333 | 45.1667 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 12° 50' 0" S | 45° 10' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:8581293.040509133 Easting:518089.18737533485 Zone:38L |
More detail about Mayotte
Mayotte Dependent on French for Survival
There are many countries, especially since the start of the global financial crisis, that require help from other countries. It isn't something that is encouraged or even enjoyed, but it is happening because some nations can't support their own economy at the moment. Mayotte is one of the countries that are having a difficult time. It is not because the people do not want to work to support their economy but there are few industries and what is there, does not bring in substantial incomes.
The economic activity that the nation has is based on the agriculture. They are productive with fishing and raising livestock. They also have such agricultural products as vanilla and coffee. They produce the perfume essence, ylang ylang, as well as copra. The people of Mayotte have to import much of their food and other items they require to live. These items come mostly from France. This is also where they receive the bulk of their assistance from. France donates substantial amounts of funds to this country which is very important to their revenues.
What many countries in this type of financial position do is not possible for Mayotte. Many underdeveloped or poverty-stricken countries rely on tourism to get them by or they start up various methods of gaining the attention of tourists. This is not possible for Mayotte because they are in a very remote location. This is very unfortunate for them as they do have resources and locations that visitors would be interested in seeing and knowing more about.
Mayotte has developed a new lobster and shrimp industry. This is a step in the right direction. They are also continuing with their construction industry. These will give the nation more sources of revenue while they try to find other ways to create income for the locals and the government.