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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Martinique?

A: Martinique lies on the geographical coordinates of 14° 40' 0" N, 61° 0' 0" W.

Latitude and Longitude of Martinique in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 14.6667 -61.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 14° 40' 0" N 61° 0' 0" W
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:1622414.1491292017 Easting:715382.7584274386 Zone:20P


More detail about Martinique

Martinique Showing Results from Three Sectors

Martinique is a small place that has a few main contributors to its economy. Like many places that exhibit such character and beauty, tourism is a help to its revenue total but it also receives revenues from the production of bananas, sugarcane, and its involvement in the light industry. The agriculture only accounts for a little portion, standing at about six percent of the revenue but the small industrial sector weighs in a bit more at eleven percent.

Unfortunately for this country, the sugar production has dramatically decreased. The bulk of the sugarcane that is being produced at the moment is used during the production of rum. They are making up for some of the loss by increasing the levels of exports of bananas. Most of these are shipped to France.

Martinique doesn't product much of its own livestock used for meat. This means they have to import these products. They also import other important staples such as vegetables and grains. Because of these imports, the nation has a continual trade deficit. France assists Martinique in this area by sending them large aid transfers.

Tourism has taken over in terms of revenues from both the agriculture and small industrial sectors. It employs over 11,000 people. It is a good source of foreign exchange for the country. Since there seems to be few options for the locals in terms of industries, and they need the imports, tourism would be their best economic option aside from the services industry.

Martinique has a long way to go and the assistance from France is definitely required for them to survive. This being said, they are using the few industries that they have and may be looking for expansion or at least more efficient use of these industries in the future. The results will only be found with the passage of some years.

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