A: Malawi lies on the geographical coordinates of 13° 30' 0" S, 34° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Malawi in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -13.5 | 34.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 13° 30' 0" S | 34° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:8507349.593836684 Easting:608225.0981090043 Zone:36L |
More detail about Malawi
Malawi Making Changes to Health and Education Systems
Malawi is a landlocked country that is highly dependent upon their agriculture industry. The country ranks on the list of the least developed countries. Ninety percent of the families living in rural areas depend on agriculture to make a living. It accounts for almost half of the government?s revenues and about 90% of the exports.
Because of the lack of revenues that the country brings in, it relies complexly upon the financial assistance that it receives from the World Bank, the IMF, as well as other nations that donate funds to the country independently.
The country has a new government now but there are many challenges ahead. They plan to increase their level of exports to bring in more revenue. This revenue will be used to make the educational and health facilities better. With various environmental issues to deal with at the same time, such as deforestation, the revenues will be stretched.
There is much important to improving the educational and the health systems. With better education, the locals in Malawi have a better chance to create and to fill jobs. A better health system means healthier people that can take care of new and improving economic opportunities.
The inflation rate in Malawi is quite high and the expenditures are higher than the revenues. This is expected to continue and this makes it difficult to improve the situation. The government is trying to create and implement plans to improve this situation but until other areas such as education are improved upon, they are just more obstacles to go over.
There is a long way for the country, the government and the locals to go. With the right type and amount of assistance plus good planning, they might be on the way to making improvements. These changes might take years but at least they are making the effort.